
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that last night's post-dinner doing of dishes turned into an impromptu dance party in the kitchen. For those of you who know us well, this is not an infrequent occurence. :)

I'm thankful for a husband who checks the weather on his phone for me every morning so I know how to appropriately dress the kids or if I need to send snow pants, stuff like that. Ever since my phone jumped in the toilet a few weeks ago my weather app doesn't seem to want to work. Or any of my apps for that matter. I'm also thankful that when Kent tells me it's going to rain today and I ask if I should send an umbrella with Kael to school, he responds honestly, "Duh Laura don't make him take an umbrella. Totally dorky." Because evidently getting soaked walking from the school to your parent's car just screams "I'm cool."

I'm thankful for Kylee's "tell it like it is" attitude. The other day I caught her staring at my stomach (I was wearing a very fitted cami). She studied it for a minute and I knew exactly what she was thinking, I just waited to see how she'd say it. "Hey Mom...your belly button looks cool, you know, sticking out like that." Thanks Kylee.

I'm thankful for the warm weather we had this week but so, so, so not thankful for the snake in my front yard that evidently came out to enjoy the sun, too. Kylee had to walk right by it to get inside and the girl couldn't sleep for two nights after that.

I'm thankful for the one measly Kleenex I dug out of my pocket when we decided, on a whim, to walk to a park that's about a mile and a half away from my house so Kylee could do the monkey bars...she slipped on the last rung and landed face first in the wood chips. She bloodied up her chin and cut her lip pretty badly. I literally had nothing else on me besides a single tissue. No water to wash her off with, no band-aid, no wipes. Totally, uncharacterstically unprepared. She toughed it out and we made do, but I made a mental note to at least stash some band-aids in her bike basket for future outings.

I'm thankful for a reality check.  Last night I walked by the kids' bathroom and noticed the rug was scrunched up in the corner, there was toothpaste all over the sink, the shower curtain was half open, the toilet seat was up and the cabinet was left open. "Ugghhh why does the bathroom look like this?" I said loud enough for Kent and the kids to hear, hoping it would urge the kids into coming back to tidy it up.  Kent just laughed.  "It looks like that because we have kids, Laura." True dat.

I'm thankful for people who say to me, "I love reading your blog! You should be a writer."

I'm thankful that last week Kael said to me, "Mom do you know who's half birthday is today?" I, of course, had no clue.  "It's Dad!" he exclaimed.  You better believe we started blowing up some balloons and making signs to hang up for him to see when he got home from work.

I'm thankful for this crazy-warm weather we've been having.  I love when the kids come in smelling like outside.  I also love how spending so much time outside sure tires them out.

I'm (kind of) thankful for Daylight Savings Time.  All four of us are still trying to adjust- but I'm loving the later daylight hours.  It makes me feel like summer is just around the corner!

I'm so thankful for Kael's first grade music concert. He's so darn handsome!

He was happy about going to the concert, but even happier it meant we had time to play at his school park afterwards.

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