
Thankful Thursday

This is going to be a combination of Thankful Thursday and sort of a week in review of all the things we've been up to lately! Spring Break has been a wonderful combination of laziness and productivity...lounging around home and occasionally getting out and about.  Initially I wanted to spend Spring Break in Florida because I had found some super cheap tickets.  Kent's work travel schedule kept getting changed around and we just never got around to getting tickets and I'm so thankful we ended up sticking around home all week. At the time, a few days in Florida sounded heavenly but as I approach 35 weeks, flying with two kids and being out on a hot beach sounds, well, exhausting. :)  Here's what we've been up to instead.
Last Thursday evening we headed out to a hotel in West Glen because we had some family staying out there.  The kids swam, we ate and just hung out. Friday morning, my mom, the kids, (Brooklyn too!) and I headed back to the Jordan Creek area to get some lunch before heading to the hotel. After eating at On The Border we took a walk around the pond (the weather was beautiful that day!) and fed the geese.  Brooklyn was laughing so hard watching Kael and Kylee feed the geese- it was hilarious.

Chip smiles.

Just strollin'.

That's Kael up there on the top of those rocks.  He saw another kid climbing up there and just had to try it.

After our walk we headed into the hotel again and did all the typical hotel stuff: swam, ate, played games, stayed up late. It was awesome and super fun to get the chance to catch up with some of my cousins who I don't see nearly enough! The kids all had fun together too.

"Helping" with the luggage cart.

The girls

Kent and Brooklyn

He's so ready for another one. :)

 Saturday morning we woke up in the hotel and the leprechaun had visited us! Kylee had expressed some serious concern about leprechauns this year.  She didn't like the idea of a little guy sneaking around our house and playing tricks on us or turning things green.  Luckily, this year he left a note saying "No tricks this year, just treats" along with a handful of green things: juice boxes, snacks, balloons, etc. Kylee was so relieved.  Hung out for awhile at the hotel Saturday morning, then back to Ankeny and Kent's parents joined us for lunch, a bike ride, and a stop at a couple parks in town.  Saturday night was Kent's "favorite night of the year" because there were some sort of wrestling finals on. So he had a good night but it would have been better if the Hawks had won, I suppose.

Sunday we headed up to Collins to get a few baby things out of storage.  We had lunch with all of Kent's family then headed home and I went shopping for baby stuff. I felt at least a little bit productive, having made some headway in crossing things off my "must buy before baby arrives" list.  I also started packing a bag for this hospital which makes this whole baby thing more of a reality and I am getting so excited!!! Sidenote: we are no further in the name search.  This could be another post entirely- I just can't settle on anything and am very uneasy about the idea of "waiting until I see him" to see what name will fit him best. 

Monday morning we ran some errands, including a stop at our library where Kael secured the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie along with several Wimpy Kid books.  Kylee also chose a few favorite movies and books and before you knew it we were out of there with no fewer than 50 items.  The kids were in heaven and I so remember that feeling from when I was a kid- there was nothing better than coming home from the library with a stack of treasured books! Back home some neighbor friends came over for awhile to play outside then the rain came so Kael and Kylee spent the afternoon watching their movies.

Tuesday Brooklyn came over for a bit then mid-morning the kids and I headed to Monkey Joe's.  I haven't minded too much that this Spring Break has been a little rainy because I would have felt guilty going around to all these places if we could have just been outside enjoying the weather.  The kids LOVE Monkey Joe's and had fun burning off some energy there.  We swung by Little Caeser's and oh my was I one happy camper.  Their crazy bread is out of this world.  I really miss having a Little Caesar's in Ankeny! Stopped by the mall and the kids had fun picking out some new sunglasses and other random fun summer stuff.  Kylee found a Donkey Kong shirt in Kael's size and he was so excited.  I'll try to snap a picture of him in it today to show you.  Kael loves it so much- I think it's one of those shirts he'll try to wear every.single.day if I let him. Sidenote: something I am soooo thankful for is the pretzel place by the kids playplace in the mall.  We had been shopping for awhile and I was so thirsty- the girl told me she had to charge for a glass of water (I mostly wanted the ice so that's why I didn't want to buy just a bottle of water) and I would have paid nearly anything at that point.  27 cents later I walked away with a GIANT cup of ice water. I hadn't thought of it before we went to the mall, but when we got there we realized the Easter Bunny was in town so the kids had fun sitting on his lap and riding the train.

We stopped by my grandma's house on the way home from the mall and she was so happy to see the kids.  Back to Ankeny to drop the kids off at my mom's for a sleepover.  No reason really, just for fun. The kids hadn't stayed over for awhile so they were excited.  Kent and I went to The Clipper for Taco Tuesday and even though I wasn't a bit hungry after eating 4 pieces of crazy bread with my lunch, I sure wasn't going to turn down a Clipper Taco.  (I'm starting to see how much our break revolved around food! Turns out I must be getting my appetite back...;) After dinner Kent and I went to hang out with Mandy, Justin and Brooklyn which was fun.  Considering Mandy lives only ten minutes from my house, I don't see her nearly enough! It was nice to catch up with them and easier to do so while my kids were at grandma's.

Wednesday morning Kent was dying to go see the kids before work.  He all but dragged me out of bed to head over to my parents' house so we were there by at least 7:00.  The kids were up and at 'em and had already eaten breakfast.  I hung there for most of the morning.  Mom, the kids and I all went on a walk after the rain cleared, making sure to navigate around all the worms, for Kylee's sake. :) We left, met Kent and his mom for lunch at our favorite El Azteca.  Then, the kids and I packed up and headed to Climb Iowa where Kael dominated the rock walls.  Kylee is good too- it's just not as easy for her because her reach isn't quite what Kael's is.  Kael made it to the top so easily this time- he must have had a growth spurt since we were there last! Back home to relax, then a pickup game of basketball formed in our driveway with several neighbor kids.

Whew that brings us to today- Mom and I are taking the kids (Brooklyn too!) to the Historical Museum and I'm guessing a stop at the Spaghetti Works downtown.  The kids will just be excited to see Brooklyn, mostly. :) Tonight Kent and I are taking the kids to SkyZone- a new indoor trampoline place that just opened up in Grimes. 'Cause we're cuting edge like that. ;) It looks so fun!

This weekend we're headed up to Collins so Kent can help his parents install a new bathroom/laundry room floor and the kids and I are going to hang out with Grandma Cindy.  Should be a wonderful weekend! Then, back to reality on Monday morning. We've had a great spring break spending lots of time with family and having plenty of fun doing stuff in the Des Moines area.

In other news we have shown our house a couple times over Spring Break which is encouraging that people are still looking even though we haven't moved on the price.  We're still on the hunt for our perfect house, but truthfully house stuff has been kind of on the backburner lately as the baby's due date gets closer.  It is going to be a crazy April!

A few more random things I'm thankful for:

My med school BFF Andrea matched to Iowa which is just awesome! I knew she would. :)

Another one of my BFF's is going to welcome her nephew into the world today! Dawn if you're reading this make sure you send me pictures of him!!

My brother-in-law Rob has been feeling better after a bit of a health scare last week.

Kent has been able to arrange for someone else at work to do most of the traveling in April so he'll be around in case baby decides to make an early arrival. :)

Happy spring!!!

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