
The Summer House

Is the mood around your house completely different in the summer than it is during all other seasons?

Our Summer House....

*is far less tidy than usual

*is filled with vases of little "flowers" (some might call them weeds) picked by little hands

*rarely has on the Wii, TV, or computer

*has time to make chocolate chip pancakes

*has a doorbell that rings frequently with neighborhood kids wanting to play

*has a mom who frequently stays in her pj's until noon

*always has 2 pitchers in the fridge: one for lemonade, one for iced tea

*smells a little bit like chlorine from frequent trips to the pool

*has watermelon smiles

*has lots of sticky spots on the front step from melted popsicles and/or spilled bubbles

*is often filled with friends and family

*has finally settled into a summer routine

*sometimes takes the morning coffee outside

What's different about your house in the summer?

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