
Happy birthday Kase!

Kase is 11 years old today! He's the last of our April birthday celebrations and this year especially was a big one with Kael turning 18 and me turning 40.  I sometimes feel by the time Kase's special day rolls around, we are all kind of "birthday-ed out" around here but we try hard to rally some excitement to celebrate the awesome kid that he is! 

Kase is so....Kase.  Equal parts endearing and challenging- he's just so very easy to love and just so very easy to be frustrated with. He's really, really come into his own this year and matured and the challenging parts of his personality are slowly but surely turning themselves into very loveable characteristics. 

I think people think he's so confident.  His self-assuredness has always been something I've been envious of! But the other day in the middle of one of his baseball games, he called me over to the fence and said, "Mom? I think I'm doing pretty good today, right? Do you think I'm having a good game?" Never mind the fact he had just made an insane diving catch and robbed one of his best rival buddies of a giant hit- he still wanted to be reassured by his mom that yes, in fact, he was having a pretty good game. I loved that. But it blows my mind that a kid like Kase (who is often MVP of tournaments, makes all the top teams in our club basketball and football) can still have moments of self doubt. 

It's been a big few months for Kase, making some adjustments at school. I never hide or sugar coat the fact that school is really hard for Kase and this has been his toughest year yet.  It's not the school work that's hard.  He's a smart kid- he just has such a difficult time sitting still and focusing for such a long day. Make no mistake about it- we have LOVED our years at Ashland Ridge but we are absolutely counting down the days until the end of the year.  Kaser is checked out mentally, especially now that the weather is nice.  But Kase tries really hard to please and I know he's going to give it his all because he wants his teacher and friends to be happy with him and I think the changes we've made have been remarkable for Kase.  I'm thrilled with how he's stuck it out when things are hard and was willing to give some new things a try to help him focus. 

He just wants to play ball all.the.time.  He's never without a ball in his hand if he can help it. He played several baseball games last week then asked Kent if they could to straight to Velocity afterwards to put a little more work in on his grounders and his swing.  His commitment to getting better is admirable, for sure.

He's still little.  I love when I hear his voice from his room, "Mom can you tuck me in again?" after I've already been in there talking with him.  I always go back in for one more hug, knowing these days are numbered. 

Kase has such a great friend group.  Truly, I'm so thankful for his little village of buddies in this neighborhood.  Friends' parents often have Kase hanging out at their house so I can go to Kael and Kylee's track meets.  There are constant backyard ball games, sleepovers and just a revolving door of 11 year old boys in and out of this house all the time and I love it because Kase loves it.  There's always someone to play a game with.  It's going to be a sad day when my house isn't filled with this group of kids.  He recently had a couple friends stay overnight because they had the next day off school so they all hung out all day and played ball.  The next day one of his friends' moms told me, "Ben was so tired when he got home! He said the boys were just on the go all day.  Kase has such a motor- even Ben can't keep up!" 

Kase stuck with band and didn't complain about early days but we aren't terribly sad he has decided not to do it next year. Poor buddy is such a typical third child though- he had a concert on Tuesday night and none of us were going to able to go because it happened at the exact same time as Kael's track senior night! Kase didn't mind and totally understood. But in the end we were able to go and were so glad we did.  Kase put on a very animated performance and even had a speaking part. 

He is a picky eater.  So picky.  Right now he is obsessed with cheese quesadillas which I shamelessly make at all hours of the day just to get some calories in him. I feel like I remember my grandma always saying, "Did anyone feed Tammy?" and it's the exact same for Kase since he's the youngest too.  Our days are busy and Kase isn't ever really hungry so sometimes it's 9:00 at night and Kase asks for a quesadilla and I'm like, "Oh my gosh have you eaten anything since lunch today?" and the answer is often no so that is why I say yes to making quesadillas late at night. 

Kase really looks up to Kael and Kylee and it's been fun to see them connect more as Kase gets older.  He loves to ask Kael questions about music and Kael has helped him make a great playlist for himself.  Kylee is always good to Kase- she loves coming to his Crew games and he always asks her to crack his back and show him some good stretches.  

Here are a few pictures of Kase being Kase. 

This one was when his team won the spring wiffle ball league and Kase was voted MVP by his friends. 

Also, please take a moment to enjoy Kase wearing what is evidently his favorite shirt- ha! I was scrolling back through pictures to post and he was wearing this in nearly every single one! He was either shirtless, wearing a uniform, or wearing this shirt.  May as well enjoy it because as soon as summer hits this buddy won't be wearing a shirt again until school starts if he can help it.

Kase makes friends wherever he goes.  He still regularly FaceTimes these buddies he met in St. Lucia.

So expressive.  And so random.  "Hey Mom can you buy a dragonfruit sometime? I want to try it." Spoiler alert it was terrible and he hated it.

This is Kylee's favorite funny face that Kase makes.

Look out, middle school! This gang is coming for ya!

In his happy place.  Ready for a game. 

Above: My mood when Kase has to do homework.
Below: My mood when we are on vacation and Kase doesn't have to do homework.

Some of the friend faves.  Missing one of his best buddies here but these are some good ones.  

Bouncy, happy Kase is the best Kase.  I love when he plays loose and goofy.  And also? His love for shoes hasn't changed.  He got no fewer than 3 pairs of shoes and 10 pairs of socks for his birthday this year.  Sports may be his first true love, but flashy, cool shoes are definitely second! 

Kase, Kaser, Kaser-racer, JB....and all the other nicknames that we call you...we are so, SO excited to celebrate you today.  God knew you were just the right kind of fun, energetic, crazy to wrap up our family and always keep us laughing and on our toes.  You may be the baby of the family but you are a leader on the field and on the court and we are so proud of the young man you are becoming! Happy birthday, buddy!

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