
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for my annual holiday shopping day with my parents.  We adventured north on a cold and snowy day and had the most fun like we always do.  Found some cute little main street shops and came away with some great gift ideas and more importantly, great memories. 

Kase was thankful that he got to shoot at halftime of the girls basketball game the other night during our last Ashland Ridge spirit night! He was, however, disappointed he only made one shot.  He had fun with his friends and actually, our whole family was there so it was nice to see Kael in the big student section and Kylee also having fun with her friends.  Plus, Kent and I had the chance to catch up with some family and friends there too.  Fun night! I'm also thankful that Kase invited his new friend Cat to ride along with us.  I love that Kase is confident enough to show up at Spirit Night with a friend who is a girl.  

I'm shamelessly thankful for remote start on our vehicles.  I really, really hate being cold.  Also I'm thankful that my kids remember to use theirs AND they have scrapers in their cars and remember to use those too.  Kylee couldn't believe how many friends tried to leave school the other day not knowing how to work their defrost and also did not have scrapers in their cars and it had snowed/iced all day while they were at school.  Thankful for Kent who recently ordered the kids nice new scrapers for their cars so they can be safe on the road!

I'm thankful I got out of the car wash yesterday! You guys! I got stuck in there! I was almost to the end and the garage door thing wasn't opening...the track kept pushing me closer and closer to it and I didn't know what to do so I threw it in park and called the car wash from my phone and the guys had to come out and stop it and manually open the door for me quickly before the person behind me got pushed into me.  It was kind of stressful but actually also hilarious.

I'm thankful (I think?) that the kids practiced a lockdown drill at school the other day.  I mean, I hate that it's even a thing, but I'm thankful for the teachers who explain the plan and why it's the plan and I'm thankful for the conversations it opened up with my own kids at home. Evidently someone brought a gun to Kylee's school this week so I guess it's better the kids are prepared if something ever would happen.

Welp, Kent is in Vegas for work this week and I'm hoping to get lots of holiday wrapping and such done while he is away.  Hope you all have a great weekend! 

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