
Weekend Wrap-Up

We spent Wednesday getting a few things done and also just enjoying time together.  Kylee and I baked a pie!

That afternoon we hung out at my sisters house.  These cute cousins put a lot of miles on their rollerblades over the week!

We grabbed dinner together in Polk City where Kent and Kael were delighted to find a place they can play pool!

Kylee and Garrett joined us too.

Love it.

This year Thanksgiving Day was at my mom and dad's!

Finished product! So cute- the girls and the turkey!

My girl.

We lucked out with a beautiful day so lots of time could be spend outdoors.  Tam played some serious pickleball with Kase!

Love my fam.

The whole gang! What a lovely meal!

We jokingly called this a Forced Family Fun walk but the reality is was that we didn't have to force anyone and all parties wanted to participate.  The littles lead the way on their rollerblades. 

And the rest of us followed.

Then continued the fun out back.

The kids even caught a tadpole and a little fish!

Dad and his girls. 

The cousins.

We played games- Kahoot was a hit as well as a fun "guess what Grandpa Terry would say" Thanksgiving themed game.  The little boys went between rollerblading and Minecraft and these two even spotted some fireworks to end the evening!

We did a puzzle, enjoyed chatting and watching football. The girls were entertained all day with each other and just coloring and hanging out. There is nothing better than time spent with family. 

Friday was a nice day- Kent and I were up and went for a long walk before the big kids were up and around and Kase rollerbladed along with us.  We spent the morning playing Wii together, Kael went to the gym and we got a few things done around the house.  

Later that afternoon Kase and I joined the cousins at Stoney Creek hotel! What a fun time for the kids to swim and play games together.  Kent, Kael and Kylee joined later.  

Kylee made fancy drinks for everyone!

Kase still wasn't feeling all the way better so none of us stayed the night.  Saturday morning we made poffertjes which I hadn't done forever! Kids love them.  Then Kael worked and Kylee hung out with her boyfriend.

That afternoon we went to Keith and Cindy's- they had this awesome jungle gym set up for the kids! We had a great time playing games, watching football and basketball and just hanging out and catching up.

Kent made a fort for them out of it! Cool!

Sunday Kael worked, Kylee volunteered at church nursery. Kase still had a cough so he and Kent watched church from home then Kase played with friends while Kylee helped Kent set up his Christmas tree at his office.

Kase and his friend went to play at Keith and Cindy's- Kase wanted to play on the jungle gym again.  Kylee had her first club volleyball practice of the season! 

It was a GREAT Thanksgiving break and I'm not sure any of my people are ready to go back to school tomorrow. 

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