
Weekend Wrap-Up

Kylee had a track meet last Thursday night and it was so fun! She anchored the 4x800 and they won! She also won the 1500 by quite a bit! It was just a really nice night out and I could tell Kylee was having so much fun with all her track friends and also enjoyed running into people she knew from other teams.  

Friday night Kent and I had an Edward Jones event- it was so great to see everyone! Kylee babysat and then the rest of us went to Kase's football game.  

We ended up beating an undefeated 6th grade team- we were all so proud of our boys! Love how Kael gets so into the games too.

Saturday our baseball games were canceled which was a big bummer but it was nice we had time to stop by and see Grandma Cindy for her birthday!

Kael worked all day and Kylee hung out with Garrett then had a birthday party to go to.  After work, Kael went out for a bike ride while his friend ran and they almost got caught in the big storm! Lucky they made it back to Gabe's house just in time.  Kent and I went out for a belated birthday dinner with our good friends- so, so good to catch up with them.

Sunday games were canceled again and Kael worked again.  The rest of us went to Keith and Cindy's to celebrate the April birthdays.  Always great to see the fam and Kylee especially loved getting to hold Bo!

Later that afternoon Kent and Kase had baseball, Kylee and I ran to the mall then we went to watch her boyfriend's baseball game.  Fun day! That night it was nice for all of us to be home together, just relaxing and we ordered a pizza and hung out.  

Ready for another fun week and another birthday to celebrate!

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