
Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful for the sweetest surprise- Kylee's boyfriend brought her flowers after she qualified for Nationals and he also brought me flowers for my birthday- so thoughtful!

I'm thankful for the nicest night on Monday.  While I was bummed Kylee's track meet was canceled (I love watching her run but it would have been freezing!) I was happy to get to go out for a family dinner for my birthday.  The kids all were so good and so sweet and everyone liked their food and everyone was happy and agreeable all night.  Really can a mom ask for anything more on her birthday? We also had time for a family egg cracking contest since some of us missed the big family one on Sunday.  Kael was declared the overall winner! 

I'm thankful for how proud Kael was to surprise me with a pedicure gift card on Monday.  He had driven there after school to buy it for me and the look on his face when he walked in to give it to me just was the sweetest thing ever. 

I'm thankful for a very sweet and thoughtful note from Kylee left on the table the night before so I would have something waiting for me on my birthday when I woke up.  She's always so good about things like that.  

I'm glad Kent asked Kase to make me a birthday card.  Ha.  You'd have to see it to understand why this is funny.  Arts and crafts are not Kase's thing.  He did really want to have more presents to give me later that day but I told him the only thing I had wanted was to be together as a family. 

Happy Thursday!

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