
Happy Birthday, Kase!

Happy birthday, Kase!

Not too long ago, a friend texted me out of the blue with a link to the following quote and she said, "Doesn't this make you think of Kase?! It's totally him! And it's totally you and Kent as parents!" 

"My parents let me be me.  They let me run around the house, play baseball, tear up stuff--you know--break a few windows.  My mom would get upset but my dad would say, 'You can't teach that swing, so let it go.'"  Ken Griffey Jr. 

I had to agree.  Kase is a kid who really isn't interested in sitting still.  He plays hard, sometimes rough.  But athletic things just come easy to him.  He's quick, he's strong, he has a great arm and a great swing and he sees the field/court so well.  He's the pitcher on the baseball team, the quarterback of the football team and the point guard on the basketball team.  

These two photos were taken less than 24 hours apart and to me, represent everything that is Kase. 


A couple months ago our whole family went to the Kurt Warmer movie and at one point in the movie Kurt says, "Life just felt better if I had a ball in my hands." It was so funny because we all collectively turned to look at Kase because that quote also describes Kase so well.  There isn't an object in this world that he doesn't view as a thing to be thrown, caught, dribbled...seriously anything.  On a long car ride he'd rather be allowed to toss a football around to himself in the back seat than have his iPad.  When we're trying to watch a game or movie as a family he, without a doubt and much to the annoyance of his older siblings, gets up to shoot hoops on the over-the-door hoop we have near the tv downstairs.  When it's freezing cold out and none of his friends stop by to play he calls them one by one until someone finally gives in, bundles up, and comes over to play football with him in the backyard. 

Kase's love affair with Pizza Ranch continues and on the rare occasion I have just him home, that's always where he chooses to go eat.  This day he ate 6 (!!!) pieces of dessert pizza.  And some ice cream.  Not too long ago we were out for my birthday dinner and were all surprised that Kase actually ate, and ate quite a bit.  (He's really not interested in food and also a little bit picky so anytime Kase eats more than a banana we're all shocked.) Anyhow, after we ate he said his stomach felt a little weird but not like he was sick or anything.  Kylee looked at him and said, "Kase I think you're full.  Do you even know what that means? Have you ever felt full before?" Ha.  So many days have passed when I think of my own grandma who, because Tammy was the youngest cousin and things were often busy when we were all together, would say, "Did anyone feed Tammy?" If I'm ever gone I have to remind Kent or whoever is home with Kase to feed him because he will never remember on his own to eat or ask for food.  On the rare occasion he does want something, he asks, "Can I have some hungry stuff?" which is just a funny Kase phrase we have all adopted. 

Kase is much, MUCH better about going to sleep than he was when he was little but once in awhile he still likes me to come into his room and make him super comfy which involves putting every blanket he owns on top of him.  Then he asks me to help him think of happy stuff to dream about.  I love these moments with him that remind me he's still just a little boy who needs his mom some of the time.

Kase surprises me with his sweet side.  This isn't to say that he's not a nice kid-he is.  It's just you so rarely see the softer side of Kase that when he says something particularly thoughtful or humble or goes out of the way to say something kind it sort of catches me off guard.  He places little value on what others think of him and I often wish I was more like that.  Wear a grass skirt to school on Hawaiian Day even though none of your friends are participating? No problem.  

Kase has grown up SO much this year.  Definitely one of the years I've seen the most transformation in him.  He struggled a little bit at the beginning of the school year to settle into the idea of being back in a classroom 8 hours a day instead of outside with his friends and his teacher contacted us right away. It helped that is teacher is a family friend and also that his teacher happens to be a guy so he and Kase are pretty close.  Anyhow, fast forward to conferences and his teacher actually thought that we had started Kase on some meds to help him focus because of how big of a change the teacher had seen in Kase just in the first few weeks of school.  We hadn't, of course, but it really is a testament to how Kase has matured.  He will likely never, ever be a kid who likes school outside of PE and recess but the fact that he showed so much improvement so quickly was so great to hear. 

Kase is ride or die.  I often joke that I pity the person who ever picks on Kase's best friends once middle school rolls around.  I don't think Kase would ever be the first to start a fight but he is oh so loyal and I don't doubt that he would finish a fight if someone started one with him. Kase is especially close to his bestie who lives a few doors down.  Those two spend so much time together that Kylee considers him her third brother.  

We had a great start to our morning celebrating Kase here and we can't wait to continue celebrating him at his party tonight with his friends.

I wonder how many years in a row we have pictures of Kase opening his gifts without a shirt on?!

So happy about his new bat!

You keep on doing you, Kase! We love you!!!!

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