
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for a sweet message from a friend after we chatted at the basketball tournament the other day.  It was a fellow team mom and she took time to text me and say how much she appreciates our friendship.  People are so thoughtful and it totally brightened my day.

I'm thankful Kael is feeling better- he started the week not feeling so great but was able to hang in there and get through semester test week. 

I'm thankful Kase likes his new sports performance training class! He has been asking us to get him in a group for awhile now since Kael and Kylee both go.  I wasn't sure if he would love it because it means giving up a little time with friends after school but he loves it so much he has been asking if he can go every day!

I will be thankful when Kylee and I get to Kansas City safely this weekend.  Sounds like a big snowstorm is headed our way!

Happy Thursday!

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