
Weekend Wrap-Up

I love winter weekends.  Kase was at a birthday party Friday night, Kylee had a friend over and Kael went to the home basketball game so Kent and I had a date night! 

Saturday we spent all day in Cedar Falls watching Kylee play volleyball.  I was so, so happy for her.  She got to start, she played a ton and even served which she hasn't done much of in a couple years.  Her team got first in their pool and we had a fun day getting to know her new teammates and families as well as running into lots of Ankeny friends. 

Kael and Kase had a boys day while we were gone! They got Krispy Kreme, hung out with my parents, went to Get Air (Kase got all the way there before he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt under his coat so Grandpa Terry to the rescue- he brought him a shirt.  Kase is the only person I know who would show up to Get Air in pajama pants and no shirt.  That kid.  Love his free spirit. And love that Kael tried to buy him a shirt there but they only had XL. He's a good big brother.)

The boys also had a fun lunch experience at Tokyo Steakhouse with my parents!

 Ha! Kase thought this was hilarious.

Later Kael went to the gym so Kase went with my parents to watch Huston's games.  We all got home tired and happy and ready for a lazy night in. 

Sunday morning Kent, Kase and I went to Perry for Kase's basketball tournament. His team went 2-2 and had a fun day. Kael went to church, had lunch with my parents then had speed training.  Kylee hung out with her boyfriend then had volleyball.

Kase's coach is one of Kent's best friends and I just think he does such a great job with the kids.  Caught this sweet moment of him with Kase today.

Later Kael went bowling with some friends and Kent, Kase and I ordered in Mexican food and had a lovely, lazy night around home. 

Have a great week!

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