
Weekend Wrap-Up

It's been a busy weekend!

Kylee and her friend were accidentally twinning at tri practice last week. She is having so much fun with this group of kids!

Thursday night we had a fun impromptu pool party at one of Kase's baseball teammates house.  The big kids came too and we had a blast!

Kase hung out at my mom and dad's and caught some minnows and had fun with cousins.

The next day he had another cousin and friends over to trade Pokémon. Such a fun day for them.

We hung out at Keith and Cindy's- here is the oldest cousin and youngest cousin on that side of the family!

 Kase loves having a bubble bath there. You can hardly see him!

Friday after a tough open water swim practice, Kylee went to the lake with her friends.  They had a great time!

Saturday we hung out at my parents' house to celebrate Father's Day with them.  I didn't get many pictures but it was so great to get the whole gang together.  Such a fun night. Kael had a fun night too at a sleepover with his buddies.

And we loved celebrating this guy! He's the best of the best.  And can you get enough of those fish flops?!

Sunday, Kent's family came over and we celebrated this group of dads!

It was the perfect day to grill out, jump on the trampoline with a sprinkler and play at the park.

We spent the afternoon at the Briarwood pool then in the evening we went golfing.  I think it was just exactly how Kent wanted to spend his Father's Day and we were so happy to celebrate our favorite guy! Kent is the best dad- the kids and I are so lucky to have him! Of course, Kylee had the sweetest cards and gifts for him and surprised him by decorating the mantle with streamers after we had gone to bed last night. It was a great weekend!

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