
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for a video from my mom- she and my dad had been watching old family videos and she came across one of Kael learning to count.  It was the cutest thing.

I'm thankful for Kylee- spreading joy where she can.

I'm thankful for Zoom and FaceTime.  It's been fun getting to "see" people! I'm thankful for technology in general really.  And also WordScapes.  Kylee and I have been having so much fun!

I'm thankful for Kylee's motivation.  Girl is setting her goals high and encouraging the rest of us to do the same.

I'm thankful for Legos! They never fail to entertain the kids.

I'm thankful for a fun, fancy lunch yesterday.  The kids loved it and I've found that when I try harder to be fun, they try harder to have better attitudes.

I'm thankful for the Bear Hunt going on around town!

I'm thankful that Kylee helped me plant some beautiful pansies! We also started a few seeds for our garden.  Also thankful for this gorgeous sunset in the reflection! (Realizing I have lots of comments about Kylee in this post- can you tell she is liking "homeschool" more than the boys?!)

I'm thankful for a family fire pit on Tuesday night.  Our normal, busy schedule would never have allowed time to all be home together and make s'mores on a week night but here we are! Living it up!

I'm thankful for my parents helping entertain Kase yesterday morning while I had a quick preschool meeting!

I'm thankful that Kent's parents are moving to Ankeny tomorrow! Hooray!

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