
Weekend Wrap-Up

Trying to find our new normal here- today is the first "back to (a different, weird) reality" day since the kids should have been back at school.  We're navigating being home together and coming up with ways to entertain ourselves.  Here's a little of what we've been up to.

Drove through newly opened Smokey Row and walked around The District a little bit.  Fun!

We've been baking.  A lot.  Here is Kase putting the finishing touches on his coffee cake.

We've been doing daily workouts and the kids are having fun challenging and encouraging each other. Also Kase is doing a puzzle which we have been doing a lot of too!

Kylee built this epic blanket fort in the basement.  She is so proud of it and the kids have had a ton of fun hanging out in there.  Kylee and Kase have eaten lunch in there several times and Kylee has slept down there every night since she built it!

We've been social distancing but still getting outside. We took a long walk out at Cherry Glen the other day.

We also had a silly string fight in our front yard!

And a walk at Gray's Lake.  We were all surprised to see a couple loons there and Kase especially had fun trying to guess where it would pop back up after it dove down into the water.

We've face timed family (got to see my sister's new dog!), texted friends (how are you entertaining your people today?) and we've even busted out the old school Nintendo where I blew my kids' minds about how good I am at Tetris. I've still got it- ha.

Today the kids are taking turns teaching each other things.  Kase did his version of Media Class at school- Kael and Kylee each came to his room and checked out a book, then Kase showed them a video of a coral reef and they each told him something they had learned about it.  Soon, we're going to play "Trash-ketball", led by Kylee.  I think everyone has to answer math facts then gets a chance to shoot a bouncy ball in an empty trash can. Later, Kael is teaching us a little about states and capitals  and I'm going to work in a mini Spanish lesson if I can keep their interest.

And honestly, there's been plenty of screen time.  We've watched movies together nearly every night.  Kids have enjoyed keeping up with friends on their devices- Kase recently has been allowed to text a bunch of his friends so he's had a lot of fun with that.  Kael continues to Pokemon but gets a lot of fresh air and some decent exercise walking around outside.

We're all hanging in there.  Sad about cancelled plans but doing the best we can.  Kylee found out today her beloved Jaguar Running Club has officially been cancelled for the year and her coach is moving so she'll never get the chance to train with him again.  This truly is an event our kids will never forget. Hope you and your families are well!

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