
Weekend Wrap-Up

Mid week, Kase woke up saying he had lost his breath.  By the time school started, he seemed fine so I sent him.  After lunch I got a phone call from the school nurse saying he was having trouble breathing and that I needed to come get him.

I rushed him to Urgent Care and the nurse was having a tough time figuring out what was going on with him. His O2 level had dropped pretty significantly in a short amount of time and he started running a fever.  They did a strep test and it came back positive- I was so thankful I had taken him in when I did! They gave him a steroid and prescribed some meds and said that some kids just have really tough reactions to strep.  

So I got to spend the rest of the day with my buddy.  He came home and fell asleep on the middle of the hardwood floor! Poor guy.

My mom stopped by with cards and letters from Kase's cousins- it totally cheered him up!

By the next day he was feeling much better but couldn't go to school since he'd had a fever in the last 24 hours.  Selfishly, I loved spending the day with him! My parents visited in the morning and brought him a new Beyblade.  Later in the day, Kase and I had a "sick-nic" (get it?! ha!) and he had some ice cream and played at the park.  It was a really beautiful fall day.

That night, Kael had his last game of the season! Undefeated! I'm just so happy for Kael and proud of him for being part of the team.  We so enjoyed watching them this fall!

Kylee also got Jag of the Week this week!

Friday afternoon Kase and his buddy went to their school's first annual Trunk or Treat.  They had a blast! Kylee was at a friends' for a sleepover and so was Kael.  My parents came over to help get everyone where they needed to go and feed the kids dinner.

Kent headed to his brother's house for his 30th birthday party.  I was so sad to miss it- sounds like everyone showed up all decked out in the party's theme!

Meanwhile, I was off celebrating my sister for her 40th! Justin and one of Mandy's best friends organized a ladies night out in this limo!

Mandy may not have been super surprised, but she was happy.  What a great night!

My mom even got to stop over and see us take off!

After dinner at the Latin King, we drove around Des Moines a little bit and stopped for a few pictures.

What a fun group of girls- so thankful it all worked out and so many of us could be out celebrating Mandy!

Happy Birthday!

The next morning Kase had his first games with his new basketball club.

I think he's going to learn a lot this season! It is much more competitive than the last few years he has played Parks and Rec.

Kase was still pretty tired from having strep earlier in the week so he wasn't totally engaged the whole time.  Ha!

Saturday afternoon Kael went to the gym and Kylee went to the orchard with a friend.

Love these sweet girls!

Kent and I had dinner with some friends and the boys stayed home and relaxed.  It was just the night everyone needed.

Sunday Kylee had a cross country meet in Ames. This is one of our favorite courses! Kylee looked so strong, confident and happy today.  I just love watching her race and be around her teammates.

She ended up getting 2nd! So cool!

Hickory Park with the team afterwards was so much fun.  I just love all these families and love how the kids all support each other.

We got home in enough time to carve pumpkins!

Kase was so set on doing his all by himself.

Kael and Kylee had their own ideas too, and it's fun to see them work through it and make their creations turn out the way they want!

It was a great weekend and I'm sad to see it come to an end.  We fit a ton of fall, family fun in!

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