
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for all of Kase's treasures.  His shelves in his room are lined up with all sorts of things- bouncy balls, coins for/from lemonade stands, a slinky, little toys from the inside of bath bombs, rocks that look like crystals, baseball cards- I love how all these little things are important to him!

I'm thankful for a text from a friend who was watching volleyball camp the other day.  "I just love watching your daughter play- she's so encouraging and an awesome teammate." So thoughtful of my friend to take time to text me! A few minutes later, her daughter and Kylee were partners for a game and they won! Out of the whole camp! Love that she was there to capture this moment.

I'm thankful for friends who deliver flowers to me! My friend text me the other day- "I left a bouquet of flowers I cut from my garden on your front step- Happy Summer!"  People are so nice.

I'm thankful for some time alone with my three kids.  We often have a friend along with us, or one of the kids away at a friend's house, but lately we've had some fun together time.  We enjoyed a picnic at a park on Monday!

And an afternoon at the pool!

And a morning of board games and fort building.

I'm thankful for my village.  My mom, dad, sister, niece and nephew were going out for lunch the other day and Kase didn't want to go at all.  He truly hates going out to eat unless it's one very specific place.  So, my fam let Kael and Kylee tag along (they were THRILLED) and I got to spend a little alone time with Kaser.  Win- win!

I'm thankful for a fun day at the Omaha zoo yesterday! It has been on my radar for years- I don't think we've been there since Kylee was a baby! We finally had a free day so I woke the kids up early- had donuts and chocolate milk in the car and took off for Omaha! I had some good tips from my sister on where to park, what order to see the zoo, etc.  We had the best day and so many great memories made.

Have a great weekend!

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