
Happy birthday, Kase!

Happiest of birthdays to my Kaser!

Kase lives life out loud, you guys.  He is unapologetically himself- he doesn't care if he's right or wrong.  He's rambunctious- choosing to get from point A to point B usually by jumping, spinning, cartwheeling, running, or climbing and he's got the bumps and bruises to prove it.

Kase plays all the sports, all the time with anyone who he can rally to join him.  He loves playing family kickball, he plays football at recess with the boys and occasionally tag with the girls (mostly I think he just likes having them chase him). He plays with neighbor kids nearly twice his age and has just as much fun playing Nerf guns with a sweet little three year old girl down the street. He's grown up a lot lately- the other day when a kids was calling him names, Kase decided to just come home and sit the next game out.  He told me, "I know my friend is just trying to act cool and say mean things to me when big kids are around so I'm just going to leave."  This response blew me away and really showed me how grown up Kase is getting!

Here are a few other thoughts on Kase at age seven.

He would wear new socks and shoes every day if we had the budget.  He likes his left sock higher than his right sock, his left shoe completely loose and untied but his right shoe as tight as you can possibly pull it. He goes through more outfit changes in one day than I go through in a week! He knows what he likes and right now it is anything with a Golden State logo on it. Also a giant gold chain.  He really loves his gold chain necklace.

Kase does handstands all.the.time and can hold them for so, so long.  If you come to our house, be prepared to be challenged to a hand stand contest.

I hope I always remember Kase like this.  Neon shorts (monochromatic blue if all his Steph Curry things aren't clean- I'm talking blue shorts, blue shirt and blue socks pulled up so high you can only see about an inch of skin at his knee), snaggle tooth (he finally lost a couple that were hanging on by a thread), and he's far and away the only boy in our house who would be caught dead in man tights and even man capris.

On the outside he's a total tough guy but at nighttime he sometimes says he is scared so I'll lay with him for awhile and once I walk out of his room I hear him start to pray.  He says he is thankful for literally everything in his sight ("thank you God for my family and for the sign on my wall and for the Bakugan on my night stand and also thank you for my friends and my favorite shorts") and I also hear him say, "I pray I have a happy life"  Kase keeps us on our toes, you guys.  He plays hard, he sleeps hard, and he is oh so ready for school to be done.  Can't wait to spend the weekend celebrating you, buddy! We love you!

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