
Weekend Wrap-Up

It was a great weekend.  Started off on Friday with Kase taking slime to school for treats for his friends.  Then Kent went and had lunch with him- he was so happy!


 Later that night Kent took Kase and a couple buddies to Perfect Games for laser tag and arcade games.  Kylee was at a friend's house and I got to spend the night with Kael! He drove me to dinner then we practiced parking.  He's getting really good!

The boys ate at Pizza Ranch, then came back to our house for cake. 

The cake isn't very decorated because Kase requested no whipped cream/frosting.  He loved it!

Saturday morning he woke to his room filled with balloons.

I made him coffee cake then he opened gifts!


Then we got word that Kael's soccer game that day was cancelled so we went to the new Avenger's movie! It was a perfect way to spend a few hours on a cold, rainy day.
Then we went to burn some energy at Climb Iowa! The kids are all getting so strong and not at all afraid of heights.  They all made it to the top several times!

We went for an early dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  Kase was so excited to sit on the saddle and get his ice cream and loved that they sang to him!
We came home and had an early night in working on Kase's new Lego set.  I think he had a great birthday!
Sunday morning we made poffertjes.  Partly because we couldn't find the cord to our griddle for our usual Sunday pancakes and partly because Tulip Time is next weekend and we will miss it.
After church Kent got his new grill/smoker going!
Later Kent's parents stopped by then Kael took everyone for a drive to Smoothie King.  Great to have time to talk with Keith and Cindy as they will be watching the kids while Kent and I are gone next weekend.
It was still pretty cold out so we hit the gym.  It felt good to play some basketball, run and lift weights.  Kael even benched 100- he was SO happy!
We came home and played outside a little since it had warmed up then had a nice, lazy night in.

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