
Weekend Wrap-Up

What a great weekend!

Friday afternoon Kent got home early from work so we did some yard work, then he hung our kitchen light above our new table.  The house is SO close to being all the way finished! A few more rugs to arrive and just a few more things to hang on the walls and it will be like the flood never happened!

We finished up working and told the kids to quick hop in the car.  They had no idea where we were going- we picked up a pizza to eat on the way and headed downtown to the ice skating rink! They were having a fun tree lighting event and we made it just in time for the kids to join the countdown and see the tree light up right in front of our eyes.  It was really neat.  

After we had some hot cocoa, we hit the ice! Kael wasn't sure if he would be able to because of his cast (he wasn't sure they would let him) but he did! And Kase has improved SO much since last year.  He was skating all over all by himself this year and was so proud.

Kylee and I had fun too!

Saturday morning Kent had an appointment so the kids and I put the tree up.  It feels so cozy in our front room now! Later we went to see The Grinch which was super cute.  That evening Kase had his first ever friends' sleepover birthday party.  He was so, so excited.

By all accounts it was a successful night for Kase and his buddies! They had dinner out, jumped at Get Air, and then back to his friend's house to sleep.  Kase was so happy to be a part of it. Kylee had a couple friends over to our house, and Kent, Kael and I watched a movie.  It was a great night!

Sunday Kase had another birthday party at Get Air and Kylee rode along so she and Kent could do some errands while Kase was at the party.  They picked out the perfect reading chair for our bedroom!

Meanwhile, Kael and I hit the gym, then came home to bake cupcakes.  I just love spending time with this kid. And his Red Velvet cupcakes were awesome!

Sunday afternoon Keith and Cindy stopped by to see the house and also just to hang out. So good to spend time catching up.  Later Kylee had open gym for volleyball and Kase spent most of the evening just relaxing.  Two birthday parties in 24 hours was more than enough fun for him this weekend!

We are really looking forward to a short, holiday week ahead.  The kids are ready for a few days off school and I am looking forward to family time! Hope your weekend was wonderful too!

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