
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful Kylee was ok after she got her finger shut in our car door Monday night.  It was pretty traumatic for her but I think she's just fine now.

I'm thankful our house is so, so close to being done! Our new kitchen table comes later today and that's pretty much the last thing we needed done.  Just in time for the holidays!

I'm so thankful for some very special guests at a Veteran's breakfast at Kael's school.  He was so proud to invite them and it sounds like it was a really neat morning for all of them.

I'm thankful that Kent's grandpa stopped by our house first for a little while- the kids loved chatting with him!

I'm thankful for how much my kids adore their family. Kase and Uncle Kyle have a pretty special bond!

I'm thankful for these inspirational and sweet notes I found all over the house last night.  Kylee had fun making them and hiding them! I found this one in my laundry room and I intend to keep in there for a long time.  What a great reminder!

Have a great weekend!

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