
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that our flooring people called and had a cancellation and moved us up on the list! Our flooring is getting installed today! Hooray!!!!!

I'm thankful for soup delivery from my mom when I didn't feel well on Tuesday.

I'm thankful that Kael's 8th grade football season ended on a win. He said it was the highlight of his year!

I'm thankful for friends and family who come support my kids at their sporting events.  Even on chilly fall nights! 

I'm thankful Kylee's stitches are out and she's back to running.  Running is just good for Kylee's soul.  She loves it.

I'm thankful for good conferences for my kids.  Kylee's teacher is really proud of her and is really wanting to push her this year. He told me that he is approaching everything with her like Cross Country.  He wants to see her give it her all, all of the time. Kase's teacher had equally great things to say about him! She said he's doing really well with math and reading and that his behavior is good! He has filled his good behavior punch card up twice and she said that lots of kids haven't even filled theirs up once yet! So very proud of them.  We haven't had Kael's conferences yet but I have no doubt his will be great too. 

I'm thankful the dreary, rainy weather stopped for awhile and we finally got to see the sun!

I'm thankful that Ankeny still feels like a small town.  Kael was walking home from school the other day when my sister spotted him on her way home from school and she gave him a ride the rest of the way home.  So sweet! 

I'm thankful for a great chorus concert for Kael on Tuesday night.  Doesn't he look so handsome and grown up? And happy?

Loved seeing Kent help him get his collar just right on his dress shirt.

Kael went in early for OPUS Honor Choir rehearsals and was proud to stand with the group who tried out.

I'm thankful that our garage won't look like this for long! We (by we, I mean Kent and Kael and a neighbor friend) had to move all our furniture out of our main level Tuesday night to get ready for the new flooring.

Happy Thursday, all! 

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