
Weekend Wrap-Up

What a fun-filled fall weekend that finally, actually felt like fall weather!

Thursday afternoon I spent getting these crazies their flu shots. 

Then later had dinner with my parents since our house was being worked on.  You guys, we are getting so close to being done with construction at our house and I am thrilled about it.

Friday, Kent had lunch with Kase and his buddies.  Kase later told me that all his friends thought his dad was the funniest ever.

We had a whirlwind of a day on Saturday.  I had to coach Kylee's last Parks and Rec volleyball game even though she wasn't there- she was at CVA tryouts.  Then Kase had a double headed football game, then I had the preschool chili cookoff, Kylee had a birthday party to go to, Kase had a birthday party to go to, and Kent and Kael got some shopping done. Whew!

Loved getting to spend some time with my niece and nephews!

Sunday after church, Kylee had a cross country meet. It was a beautiful sunny, dry day! Kylee had a great run.

She finished third in her age group!

So thankful for how excited Kael and Kase are to cheer her on.  It's a long day waiting around for Kylee's 12 minute race, but they had fun playing football with Kent and playing at the nearby park.  Also thankful for my parents who came to watch!

Kylee has SO much fun with her ATC friends.

 We made a quick stop at Hickory Park for some ice cream with her teammates before heading home. 

Our house is *mostly* back together and our upcoming week is far less busy than previous weeks have been now that Kase and Kael's football seasons are over.  Life is good, friends.  Hope you all had a great weekend too!

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