
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful I didn't lose it when I woke up Tuesday morning and found our coffeepot, which is set to a timer, had filled, but the pot itself wasn't all the way on correctly so the water and coffee grounds had run out all over the counter and onto the floor. So not only did I have to clean it all up, I had to wait for another pot of coffee to brew! I have gotten very used to having my coffee ready and waiting for me when I wake up.  #NorthParkProblems

I'm so thankful Kael is doing ok after a fall at school.  He was running around the pond with his health class and he fell, cut his lip, scraped his face and his knees, and chipped his tooth.  He was pretty bloody and swollen when I picked him up and I could tell he was so upset by it.  His teacher reported that he'd handled it so well and she joked about him just wanting to start summer break sooner.

I'm thankful that I was there when I heard a kid call Kase something at the park yesterday.  The kid had asked Kase his name, and kept trying to call him Casey and Kase was like, "Nope, just Kase." The kid smiled and said, "Ok, Kase-adilla". (quesadilla)  And Kase laughed so hard.

I'm thankful that we played tee ball against another one of Kase's buddies last week.  They were so happy to see each other!

I'm thankful that yesterday was the last day of school! Bring on summer!! 

I'm thankful for the time to make fun summer surprises for the kids.

I'm thankful that these three were accidentally all matching the other day! They walked out of their respective houses before school and just started laughing. 

I'm thankful that the big kids appreciated Kase's and my chalk work after school.

I'm thankful for one last lunch date with this one! 

Hope your summer is off to a great start! 

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