
Weekend Wrap-Up

What a lovely weekend.

Friday, Kase and I went to the mall to see the Easter bunny and even though he told me he was "just going to wave" at the bunny, he did end up sitting on the bunny's lap which made for a cute picture. He also rode the train and had a fun time in the playplace (which is exactly when and where my headache stopped- go figure!) and found a friend to play with their for quite awhile.  Then we got a call from Kent who asked if we wanted to meet him for lunch.  What a fun start to our weekend. 

Friday night we celebrated Kent's great uncle's 70th birthday with family.  We had a great time and the kids keep talking about how they want to go back to Neela's house! 

Saturday was a busy one.  Kent took Kase to an Easter egg hunt, I took Kylee to Ninja Warrior class and my dad wanted Kael to come help out in his backyard.  Kael helped him burn a pile of wood and they also had fun shooting Kael's pellet gun. 

That afternoon Kent's brother and (soon to be) sister-in-law came over to hang out. The kids couldn't.get.enough of them! Kase was pulling Kaity all around the house..."Hey Kaity, look at this! Hey Kaity, wanna see this?!"  We so enjoyed spending the afternoon with them.  Then we had a lazy Saturday night around here.

Kevin stood up to pick something up and Kase snuck it and sat underneath him- ha!

Sunday morning Kylee was so excited to wake up and give us some Easter surprises.  She had gifts for all of us and they were so sweet.

Later we made our way downstairs where the Easter Bunny had left some fun surprises. 

We went to the early service at church- the kids looked so nice all dressed up!

After church we stopped by Kent's grandparents' house for a visit, then had lunch at the other grandparent's house before going back to Grandpa Keith and Grandma Cindy's for an Easter egg hunt! The kids loved all their candy and surprises and we enjoyed spending the afternoon with Keith, Cindy, Kevin and Kaity. 

We headed home by late afternoon and stopped by my parents' house, where the kids got even more treats and surprises! We wrapped up the day with our annual egg-cracking contest, where Kent was crowned champ, then had a kickball game before heading home. 

Looking forward to a great week ahead!

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