
Weekend Wrap-Up

Not a lot of time today to write, but want to stay caught up on our weekend happenings.

Friday it was rainy and the kids were tired from the first few days of school.  We got in jammies early and held our First Annual Family Fantasy Football Draft, which mostly consisted of Kylee and me asking Kent and Kael, "Is this guy good? Should I pick him?" So fun.

Saturday we bowled with some good friends- Kael and his friend tied with a score of 99! We had a great time.

Saturday afternoon/evening we spent in Collins, celebrating Kent's grandparents' 80th birthdays. What a great night of family fun- I just love this picture of our whole crew. 

Sunday evening Kent had (another) Fantasy Draft, so my parents picked the kids and me up and we headed for Sonic for a little outdoor dinner.  

Monday rolled around and Kael was excited for his post on Safety Patrol! He looks so grown up. 

This week marks my first week of work outside the home in nearly ten years, so it's been off to a fun start! I am loving being a part of preparing preschool rooms and can't wait for Meet the Teacher night tonight! It's going to be a GREAT year!

How's your week going?

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