
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that the first week of school is under our belts, and it went great!

I'm thankful for lots of quality time with my littlest buddy.  It's easy for him to get lost in the shuffle (ie: taken everywhere his big siblings want to go) all summer long.  I am soooo enjoying being able to sit and read books with him for hours at a time if we want.

I'm thankful my mom has been available to watch Kase this week as I've been up at the preschool doing some training and room prep. 

I'm so thankful for a wonderful team at preschool.  We really have a great group of teachers and I'm so excited to be a part of it!

I'm thankful for a long weekend ahead. Looks like temps will be h-o-t so we should be able to hit the pool one more time before it closes!

I'm thankful for the busy-ness that is fall.  It feels so good being back in a routine.

Lots to be thankful for, not lots of time to write.  Happy Thursday, all!

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