
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for an impromptu lunch with my mom.  Why don't we do that more often?!

I'm thankful that our basement blinds get installed today! #OneStepCloser

I'm thankful Kase's three year pictures went well.

I'm thankful for the library after school programs.  Both Kael and Kylee go to a few events each month and love them!

I'm thankful when Kase sleeps in past 7:00.  What a game changer!

I'm thankful for my brother-in-law who let Kael borrow some Michael Jordan stuff for school today for a project Kael is doing.

I'm thankful we found some mushrooms last night at my dad and mom's!

I'm thankful for a fun birthday celebration ahead this weekend! Looking forward to going to Collins on Saturday to celebrate four April birthdays! Happy Birthday today to Cindy!!!!!

Have a great weekend guys!

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