
Big day

You guys- it was a fantastic day around here.

The tile and carpet are completely done in the basement!!!! We have a few little teeny things to wrap up (blinds, countertops) but the carpet made it feel like it is finally a totally livable space.  The kids had a blast running around down there since none of the furniture is out yet.

Kent and my dad finished putting the hoop up and the kids shot baskets with their friends until I reminded them at ahem, 7:30 that we hadn't eaten dinner yet so we'd better go inside. 

Also Kase and I saw the chicks at Tractor Supply Company, went on an impromptu picnic. We were at a park, then he said, "We should have a picnic here sometime" so we drove home and packed a quick picnic and headed right back to the park.  Halfway through our picnic he crawled onto my lap and finished the rest of his lunch sitting there.  So happy.

Later we went to the Uptown Easter thing with some friends. The big kids are so fun and helpful with Kase.

Also, Kael had soccer practice and I squeezed in a quick run. It was a busy one and I'm feeling so good about how much we got done!

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