

I haven't changed a dirty diaper in days.

I haven't collapsed into bed, exhausted from an hour long "tucking in session" of all three kiddos.

I haven't been begged to read, "just one more" chapter of Junie B.

I haven't caught up with neighbors at the park.

And maybe worst of all- I haven't even been to the pool. I know.

But I HAVE spent some quality time with my Kael buddy. I can't remember the last time that he's had my undivided attention for five days straight.

I'm learning a lot about him. This stint in the hospital has barely phased him. He hasn't complained once about the uncomfortable bed, or that he's missing our church basketball camp or about the nurses poking him every hour. 

It takes precious little for him to stay happy. One of the nurses brought him a pop. It sat in our room fridge for nearly a day before he smiled and said, "Mom do you think I can really have that?"

He's eaten room service food without a complaint- even though I can see he doesn't like most of it. 

He gets wheeled around from floor to floor laughing and joking with our "driver".

And I'm trying so hard to be like him. I'm tired of the crummy food. I haven't slept in my own bed for four nights. I miss the rest of our family so bad it hurts and I would give ANYthing to curl up on the couch together as a family and watch a show before bedtime. 

So, I hold back tears. And I play another game of tic-tac-toe. And I let him teach me how to play new games on the Wii. And I hope for some answers. 

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