
Thankful Thursday

I'm so thankful that the weather seems to have finally started warming up for good.  The other night Kent grilled hamburgers for dinner then we took a family walk to the park- it was so nice to be outside at 7:00 in the evening and not be freezing! Talk about your mood booster!

I'm thankful that I finally have everything figured out for the April birthdays as far as dates to celebrate, themes of parties, gift ideas, outfits to wear, etc.  Is your spring looking as busy/crazy as ours??

I'm thankful construction is wrapping up on a home across the street from us.  Since we moved in last June there have been constant trucks (read: noise) working around the neighborhood and now it's complete! There are no more open lots too near us, so all the construction mess will be moving north.

I'm thankful for a few quiet moments to myself while Kylee and Kael are at school and Kase sleeps.  Speaking of sleep, last night Kase slept from 10:00-4:45! That is nearly another seven hour stretch of sleep friends! Wooohoooo!

I'm thankful to be lacing up the ol' running shoes again.  I'm a March through November work out kind of gal.  I've never been too excited about gym memberships as I much prefer to run outside.  I managed to squeeze in a short jog while Kylee was at tumbling the other night and it felt great to get back to it.

I'm thankful I found my old Nadas CD yesterday and popped it in the player in our kitchen.  Memories of summers past came flooding back.  Btw, how archaic do CDs seem? Usually it's Pandora on the iPhone, or iPod playlists but I was cracking up when I ran across some old CDs that sisters and friends burned for me before that became illegal.  Mandy do you remember our Summer Mix CD?? There are some good tunes on there and I am totally bringing it next time we hang out. :)

I'm thankful it's almost the weekend.  The first week back after Spring Break seems like such a long one, doesn't it? Nine weeks and counting til summer break-if you're a local that is.  Speaking of that, I'm thankful the kids are still scheduled to get out in May.  Here's to no more snow days!!!

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