
Kase is 10 months old!

10 months old is far too close to being 1 year old than I am ready for.

My baby can barely be considered a baby anymore because he is walking.  Walking, you guys! For well over a month he's been taking steps without holding onto anything.  Then he got brave and would walk from one side of the room to the other, but always cautiously sat down when he got to our tile or wood floors, knowing he wasn't quite steady enough.  Forget that.  Two days ago he took off.  From one side of the house to the other.  He has also mastered the art of bending down to pick something up and stand back up.  And he can turn around, turn corners, the whole nine yards.  Yes, I'd say it is official.  My babe is now a walker.

I can't help but think that propels him from babyhood into toddlerhood and while I will always have that "he's growing up too quickly" thought in the back of my head, I am so happy for him and his new independence. You should see the proud, ornery little smile on his face when he walks all over the house.  It's so cute.  I'd love to show you video/pictures, but every time I pull out a camera he races right for it and grabs it, so basically I have a lot of super close Kase face pictures instead of shots of his first (not so wobbly anymore) steps.

What makes you think I'm the one who dumped out all these markers?

In other Kase news, wait for it....he still doesn't sleep.  Anyone *tired* (I crack me up) of hearing about this yet? He has, however, started taking a killer morning nap if he happens to fall asleep in the car when I take Kylee to preschool.  Afternoon naps are short and he still wakes up several times a night.

His favorite toy are a puppy that walks and we joke that his best friend is his bottle.  You should see how his face lights up when he spots his bottle.

He has two teeth, loves to eat anything he can get his hands on, and babbles all the time.  Are baby voices/words not the cutest thing ever???

1 comment:

Gma Cindy said...

KASE the "Investigator" :) He is sooo precious!!