
Thankful Thursday

Weeks are flying by at breakneck speed lately, are the not? I swear I just wrote a Thankful Thursday post.  Lucky I have lots to be thankful for...

I'm thankful Kael loves wrestling.  I was talking to another mom at Kael's wrestling tournament last weekend, asking if her boys were enjoying the season so far.  "Nope.  They hate it.  My youngest has been crying all morning and my oldest just does it to keep up his strength for baseball season.  But they truly hate wrestling even though we've made them do it for three years now." Um...what??? I really didn't know what to say.  Even though I don't know a lot about wrestling, I'm just happy Kael enjoys it and would NEVER let my personal preference of sports force him into doing something he hated or out of something he loved. At least I like to think I wouldn't.  Never say never, I guess.

I'm thankful my Christmas shopping is done.  NOT! Not even close actually.  I seriously gotta get crackin'.

I'm thankful that dinner is planned and ready for the night.

I'm thankful for plans with friends.  And really thankful for the 'plans' I don't plan.  When fun just happens.  That's the good stuff.

I'm thankful for the candle warmer on my desk.  Some sort of cinnamon/holiday candle is going right now and it smells amazing.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to volunteer in Kael's classroom. I had the most fun there the other day when I was trying to get kids to work on Word Ladders.  Hang with me for a sec and I'll explain it to you.  So, you start with a word, say, "dog".  Then I give the kids a clue and they're supposed to just change one letter from the word dog to make a new word.  For example, I'd say "polka ___" and they'd change dog to dot.     So, the word was "lap" and the clue was "when my dad is lost he looks at a ____" (clearly, map, right? well, at least I thought it was obvious.)  This clue stumped every.single.kid I worked with that day as they tried their hardest to turn the word "lap" into GPS or iPhone or Garmin.  Even as I pointed to a nearby globe, trying to get them to think of a map they looked at me completely dumbfounded.  Finally I'd give up saying, "So back in the olden days, when people were driving and didn't know where to go, they'd often have a map in their car to look at." Then I tried my hardest to pretend like such an archaic practice was long before my time.

I'm thankful for the sparkle in Kylee's eyes.

Happy Thursday, friends!

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