
Thankful(ish) Thursday

Today, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be honest.  So here goes.

I hate that I let my mom take Kase overnight two nights ago and he woke up only twice for a bottle and went right back to sleep, but last night, back at his own home sweet home, he woke up seven times.

I hate that I've all but given up on running and exercising because I'm just.too.tired. (See above reference to sleeplessness).

I hate my clothes and hate that I am too cheap sensible to buy myself new stuff right before Christmas.

I hate the post-baby shedding of hair.  Yuck.

I hate how I spend fifty percent of my life planning meals and grocery shopping, only to have two little faces make pretend barfing noises at dinnertime.

I hate how I pored over pictures yesterday trying to find the perfect ones to fit in a frame that I have and when I had it all ready to hang up, I decided to clean the glass (we're talking about a pretty large picture frame) and it shattered. What a complete waste of time.

But what I hate most of all is how my cloudy mood affects the rest of my family.

Thanks for listening reading. Back next Thursday with a better mood.  I promise.


Missy... said...

And *I* hate when I feel like I'm the only one who has weeks like this. But I LOVE knowing that I'm not alone (of course, I do NOT love that you're having a not-so-great week!). So thanks for sharing! Wishing you better, more restful days ahead! :)

Anonymous said...

I hate that Missy wrote such a beautiful, perfectly worded response before I could get to it. :)
