
Kylee Kay

I turned open Kylee's baby book to write about her birthday and realized there's not a designated spot for "5th Birthday" like there had been for the previous four birthdays.  Just one more sign that she's growing up. The next page is "First Day of School".  Kylee's fifth birthday may not have its own place in the baby book, but it was sure special anyways. :)

Here are a few pictures from the celebrations. These first pictures are from when we celebrated with my mom and dad.
My mom sure knows how to make a birthday girl feel special- just look at that pink, fancy spread!!!

Kylee requested that my mom make a lemon cake for her.  The cupcake candles top it off perfectly! 

These first few are from Kylee's actual birthday and our own family party.

Kent flew in from DC the morning of her birthday- she was so happy to see him!

Chocolate donuts at the park.  Yum.

Kylee's Red Velvet cake that she later shared with all the new neighbors. 
The next photos are from her Ice Cream themed party with friends.
Party ready! 

Kent commented that I somehow managed to assemble a Dream Team as far as birthday party guests go.  Honestly all the kids were so well-behaved! 

It was Kael who ultimately busted the pinata open.  Big brothers are awfully nice to have around. ;)

I remember when my mom made me a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with the number 5 in M & Ms so naturally I made one for Kylee.  She LOVED it, and between you and me I'm pretty sure it tasted better than the red velvet cake. 

Here are some of the toppings for the ice cream sundae bar we set up.  I didn't do such a great job with pictures and forgot to take another one once it was all set up.

Party favors.  Cutest mini ice cream poppers ever. Kudos to Kent for finding them!
Now fast forward to when we celebrated with Kent's family.

Kylee and her birthday twin, Grandma Doe. 

Seriously can you believe this cake?! Maybe you noticed that I was super impressed with it by the fifteen pictures I took of it.  

Oh she wanted this puppy so badly!

Evidently, back in the day, Grandpa used to draw pictures on all the grandkids bellies, so he drew an alligator on Kylee's.  She's totally in the club now. 

Sandwiched between two brothers, Kylee has all the middle-child personality traits:

*Kylee is F-U-N.  Seriously this girl isn't going to miss out on anything and if there isn't something fun going on, she'll make her own fun.  She has more fun than anyone I know.  I remember a few years ago when she was bouncing from one fun thing to the next I thought to myself, "Wouldn't life be so fun if you were Kylee?" And it would.

*Kylee's charming, magnetic personality just draws people to her.  When we're at a park or a pool, the kids  gravitate towards her and the parents talk about her.  Whatever 'it' is- she's got it.

*She can totally hold her own but she also knows when to give in.  She'll push Kael to the limit then back off just before he gets too upset.

*Kylee carries the weight of the world on her shoulders sometimes.  Even one of our new neighbors who had only known Kylee a couple weeks commented, "She's just an old soul." It's so true.  Mature just isn't quite the right word- she is mature but it's something more.  If you spend more than a minute talking with Kylee you'll probably feel like you're talking to someone your own age and not a five year old.  She's well spoken and she just...well, she just gets it.  She has more figured out about this world at 5 than most people do at 25.

*She has amazing energy.  Everything she does, she does it fast.  Like faster than me.  And faster than my dad.  And that's saying something.

*Kylee is nothing if not caring.  She would do anything to help someone in need and she wears her middle child peacekeeper badge proudly.

*She is emotional but poised.  Confident but questioning.  But there is one thing she never is: wrong.  Hmm...wonder where she got that from? ;)

Happy Birthday to my sweet Kylee Kay!

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