
Kylee is 5!

I'm going to interrupt your regularly scheduled Thankful Thursday for an important announcement...

Kylee Kay is five today!

I woke up and found her looking in the bathroom mirror.  "I wanted to see if I looked a little bit taller, now that I'm five." she told me, matter-of-factly.

Girl, you look the part.  You look five, you act five but somehow I just can't believe that my little girl is five today!

At five, Kylee ...

"is never tired and always hungry." (a direct quote from Kylee herself)

has the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I've ever met.  She requested a Red Velvet cake for tonight, so I made one, and it is literally buckling under the weight of it's own frosting.  Now that's a good cake. :)

is honest, caring, sensitive, creative, smart, funny and all-around adorable.

We love you, Kylee!

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