
Back to School

Yesterday was the last official day of summer break and I wanted to do something fun.  We threw around a few ideas: pool, go out for lunch; then I suggested that we go shopping and pick Kael up something new for his first day of school.

"Nah. I like my old clothes," he replied.  I wasn't surprised at all by his response.  There's plenty of new stuff going on for him right now...might as well stick with clothes he's comfortable in.  Insert Super Cheesy Mom line here..."That's fine Kael! You don't need new clothes for your first day if you don't want.  Besides, the best thing you can wear is your handsome smile!" I didn't actually say that.  But I thought it. I could tell he was thinking about school so I asked him if there was anything he was excited for or nervous about.

I anticipated his response and had little mini-speeches/pep talks all ready in my head. In bold is what I thought Kael might say, in italics, my imagined responses.

I'm so excited for pepperoni pizza! No doubt! I wish I could have pizza for lunch! Lucky you!

I'm worried the other kids won't like me. Of course they'll like you- you're such a likable kid! Just be yourself and the other kids will realize what a valuable addition to the classroom you are!

What if the school work is really hard? Kael you're so smart, I know you'll do great.  And it's supposed to be a little bit difficult- if you already knew everything then you wouldn't need to go to school, right? 

What if I get lost on the way to the bathroom? You can always ask a teacher, Kael.  If there's ever anything you don't know, or anything you don't understand just ask, OK?

I didn't have to use any of my lines because Kael didn't say any of those things.  He sat quietly for a minute then finally asked, "Mom, can you tell me what PE stands for?" You bet, buddy.  That's one I can totally handle. In other words, Kael doesn't seem to be at all worried about starting a new school. Some of the things I thought he might worry about aren't even on his radar. He's going to totally rock the second grade, I can just feel it.

2 for 2nd grade. 

Yes, we really do live that close to the school! :)

His teacher is really into the "team" theme for her classroom this year. He was excited about all the sports stuff!

I've seen him come out for recess a couple times and he looks over and gives me a big wave.  I can't wait for him to get home and hear all about his first day!

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