
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful I lasted this long until I had to take my wedding ring off.  Darn pregnant swollen fingers anyways.
I'm thankful Kent finally killed that pesky snake that had been lurking around.

I'm thankful that I am 35 (almost 36) weeks along now!!!

I'm so thankful for my job.  Well, really I'm thankful for Kent's job, which allows me the freedom to do my "job". :) Here's a list of reasons why:
1. Tuesday afternoon I sat outside watching the kids, I got started on one of my favorite perks of the job- the tan. Honestly you guys it's still March and I have some serious lines already! 40 year old Laura will not be pleased with 28 year old Laura's sun-loving ways.  I do wear sunscreen though, I promise! 
2. Today I overheard Kylee talking with her friend that I've been babysitting for 5 years now and she said, "Ryan, I hope we get married someday." He smiled and replied, "Yeah! Me too!" Then later in the day, I was talking to the mom of the boys who come after school and she relayed a conversation they'd had at their house: "We were talking about babies and someone brought up the idea of adoption.  My son said, 'Hey maybe we could adopt Kylee!'" As in, he likes playing with her so much that he'd like her at his house.  Full time. :)  I am so lucky to babysit such wonderful kids that get along so well with my kids!
3. One more reason that I truly love my job is the availability it allows me.  One afternoon this week one of my neighbors needed to run her son to Urgent Care so her older daughter stayed here and played with Kylee.  There have been several times when I've been available to help friends who are in a bind, whether it be pick up a kid from a practice or fill in for a regular sitter and I'm always so happy to be able to help out because I know how very much I appreciate it when someone helps me out!
4. I wear sweats.  A lot lately.  Not having to get all dressed up every morning is heavenly, especially when you're pregnant.

Happy Thursday!

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