

...I made a slow cooker Sweet and Sour Chicken recipe that literally had the kids gagging. We don't really do a lot of Chinese food around here but it was a healthy recipe that I'd been wanting to try. Kent declared it Best Meal Ever- not because it tasted so good but because of the reactions from the kids.  They HATED it and it couldn't have been funnier.  Kent and I were laughing through the whole meal as they tried to choke down tiny bites of their food.

...I got the kids to stop wrestling for two seconds to snap a picture. Only 15 weeks to go, folks!!!

...I am really excited that we have someone looking at the house tomorrow.  I needed an excuse to stop crafting/pinning/baking and finally get around to tidying this place up.  With my mom's help 'cause she's the best. :)

...I am loving the snow.  It's so pretty and the kids love playing in it.  We have a backyard full of snow angels right now.

...I am so happy that I get to spend my days with this:

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