
Climbing not cleaning

The kids and I spent all of our no school Monday at Climb Iowa.  And I literally do mean all day.  I wasn't sure exactly how long the kids would last (4 is the youngest you can be to even try climbing- I knew Kylee was up for giving it a try but didn't know if she'd love it).  Turns out they both love it.  A lot.  We were at Climb Iowa for four and a half hours! I'd packed a (mostly) healthy lunch so that we weren't tempted to burn all those calories then waste it all on lunch at McD's or something and sure enough, the kids were starving just 45 minutes into our climbing expedition.  "I'm soooo hungry!" they both declared.  I was afraid if we left they wouldn't want to come back but turns out, once they ate they were good to go for several more hours.

Kael near the top.

You can't really see her...but just to give you an idea of how high Kylee had to climb to get all the way to the top!

Climbing side by side.

I had anticipated getting a few more things done today than I did since I didn't plan on being away all day.  When we got home I realized there was a big pile of laundry that needed to be tackled, kids school papers that needed to be filled out, and a house that desperately needed to be cleaned.  Also I had nothing planned for dinner and Kael reeeaally needed a haircurt.  He is so lucky- he has the thickest, quickest-growing hair! Anyhow, I quickly tidied things up so the place wouldn't look so disheveled when Kent got home and started some spaghetti.  Good enough, I thought.  :)

Later in the evening Kent said to me, "Where's all the stuff to clean the downstairs bathroom?"

"In the upstairs bathroom under the sink.  Does the bathroom need to be cleaned?"

"Yes, Laura.  It's like a truck stop bathroom in here."

Oh.  I was kind of hoping he hadn't noticed that I haven't seriously cleaned since December 21.  I happen to know that because we showed our house that day and I had spent the day deep cleaning.  I was just about to get a little defensive and make up some excuse about being pregnant and not having had time to clean as often as usual (normally I keep the house very tidy, in my opinion) when he said, "Well, I should probably clean it." And then he did. 

It would have been totally justified if he would have said, "Well, maybe you should stay home every once in awhile to clean instead of always running around doing things for the kids." But he didn't.  He's the best.

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