
Third Child

With the rush of the holidays behind us and with my belly growing bigger by the day...this whole having a baby thing is suddenly starting to sink in. 

Do you find that you were super prepared for your first kid? Pretty familiar with the routine and organized for your second? Then completely scatter-brained with your third? Yeah, that's me. I feel like I've done nothing for this poor kid, which totally supports all birth order theories that I believe in- third children are kind of chill and easy-going because of how they are brought into this world.  They just get dragged along to older sibling events and wear hand-me-downs.  Even though I understand it's just a reality that you might not be as organized for your first child as you might be for your last...I've recently started to freak out a bit.

The other day I said to Kent, "Do you realize if this baby came today it would have no where to sleep and it would have no name? I haven't filled out a single preadmission form for the hospital, made a list of stuff to pack for the hospital, bought a baby book or bought a homecoming outfit for the baby? Also did you know that when I went to my doctor's appointment the other day I didn't even have a clue that I was going in for my glucose screening (an hour and a half long appointment) so I hadn't really eaten an appropriate breakfast and I was almost late to pick up Kylee from school because I hadn't anticipated such a long appointment?!" Luckily, I passed the glucose screening (I had failed the first time I took it with Kylee which means you get to endure a 3 hour test at the lovely downtown location of my OB, and get your blood drawn like 5 times which I am just terrible with).  With Kael and Kylee I knew what was going on at every.single.appointment, which test was going to be done, how much weight I had gained and all that stuff.  Not this time.

So in the last few days I've filled out paperwork, made lists, bought and filled out a baby book, and checked out some hospital photos online to get cute ideas for baby's clothes, blankets, etc. Kent and I have narrowed down names, but certainly haven't decided yet.  As far as a place for this child to sleep...that's still up in the air.  We have 4 bedrooms, but it's looking like someone is going to have to move bedrooms before baby gets here because our only current "open" bedroom is downstairs.  I'm crossing my fingers we sell this house before the baby comes so we can move into a new place and I can set up a cute little nursery. 

It's been a fairly productive weekend so we're all looking forward to a lazy no school day tomorrow!

1 comment:

mama walker said...

you make me tired. but thats why i love ya. soo happy for you guys!!