
Monday Morning

I'm a Thursday kind of gal.

Monday mornings have such a way of snapping me back to reality after a fun-filled weekend and for that, I used to dread/hate Monday mornings.  Lately, this has not been the case.  Perhaps it's because the start of the new year and my intent to keep my resolutions, or perhaps it's because the wonderful second trimester energy burst just keeps on lasting and I'm trying to not waste a precious second of it! :)

The last two Monday mornings I have been in such a good mood which leads to me being productive, which makes me happy So far this morning, I've done three loads of laundry, played carpool mom and successfully carted four kids off to school (each to their appropriate school at the appropriate time- I know, there really should be awards for this kind of thing ;), planned menus for the week, and volunteered for an hour and a half at Kael's school. 

Another thing contributing to my good mood is that Kent and I found a house yesterday that we really both loved.  Chances are we won't get that exact house in that exact location, but we really liked the floor plan, and there are several lots for sale near that house so building something very similar could be a real option.

Lastly, I've been diving into the overwhelming task of ogranizing my sea of blue tubs that have amassed in my basement.  I've sorted and labeled the kids' keepsakes and school papers.  I've filed papers, gotten most of the stuff together that I need for tax return time, and created new files for things that previously didn't have a place.  I'd show pictures, but it's still a work in progress so it's not so easy on the eyes yet.  However, if you follow me in Pinerest I did find some super cute labels for kids' keepsakes and school papers (by year) that motivated me to stop dragging my feet on this project.  Why is it that simply having some cute, colorful labels make it so much easier to start a daunting task? :)

Also, I have dinner plans with some friends tonight so that always makes the day go fast.

Happy Monday and here's to a great week!

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