
Resolutions 2012

Sorry for the Thankful Thursday interruption...I really do have lots to be thankul for this week but this is what was in my head today. 

I don't really do New Year's resolutions, and if I have in the past, I usually resolve to eat healthier which lasts a full two days until I'm back into my chip-eatin', sweet tooth self.  It's my hope that this year is different.  I've come up with a few things that are important to me as we move into a year that is sure to be full of changes- new baby, maybe a new house....and who knows what else?

Be impeccable with my word.  Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love. (The Four Agreements)

I talk a lot. Just ask Kent, he'll tell ya. ;) I think it's time that I listen more, talk less, and make the words I use really count.  Ironically, I'm teaching Kael's Sunday School lesson this week and the virtue of the month is Self-Control.  His memory verse is, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”

I've already had to bite my tongue several  a million times.

Don't let others do for me what I am able to do myself.  You guys would just about die at the amount of things I let Kent do for me.  In our relationship there are things that have just come to be understood that Kent will take care of.  For example, I don't do anything that involves cords, batteries, chargers, etc.  I also do not do cars- honestly I'm impressed with myself when I can answer the oil change guy's question, "Make and model of the vehicle?" In the short 4 days of 2012 I have been trying so hard to not just let Kent take care of everything.  As it turns out, when left to my own devices, I am perfectly capable of charging the camera.  Who knew? ;) Also, I have hooked up a printer to my laptop all.by.myself AND when I was struggling with the PinIt button on Pinterest I finally figured it out.  (I did ask Kent for help at one point to which he just kind of rolled his eyes and said, "Laura, I love ya but I am NOT figuring out Pinterest for you.  You're on you're own, lady.")

*I'm kind of hoping this resolution rubs off a little bit on the kids.  I have a tendency to do a lot of things for them that they are more than capable of doing themselves.  For example, a lot of mornings I end up making their beds because it looks nicer when I do it, which is really not serving anyone. If I just let them do it, 1) they'll get more practice and it will look nicer and 2) they'll gain some independence which will be so helpful once the baby arrives.
Speaking of Pinterest I refuse to let myself pin without doing.  I can see how easy it would be to rack up hundreds  thousands of pins without actually ever doing any of the projects and ideas. So...even though I've only been on Pinterest for a couple days I have already bought ingredients to make two of the recipes I have pinned, and I've printed off some of the organizational labels I found and have a plan to use them.  I'm actually really excited about this last bit- with a potential move this year, it would be really nice to get things organized before we leave this house.  So, I've got labels, tubs, Ziplocs and am ready to get the kids' keepsakes/school papers/clothes sorted into nice, neat boxes before (if) we move.

Well, that's about it for now- I'm sure there's more but I figure if I write these down I'm much more likely to hold myself accountable.  That means if you follow me on Pinterest and you see my pins climbing into the thousands, you can feel free to remind me of resolution #3. :)

Here's to an amazing 2012!

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