
Thankful Thursday

I am oh-so-thankful that Kael and Kylee are feeling better. I'm equally thankful that cleaning up throw-up doesn't make me also throw up. At one point (my emotional) Kylee worried aloud, "Mom I just don't think I'm ever going to get better!" Later in the day (my practical, take-it-all-in-stride) Kael announced, "I don't like the way my mouth feels after I've thrown up. I really hate the way I feel right now." The only thing worse than being sick yourself is watching your kid(s) be sick.  I was searching for something to say to make them feel better but all I had was, "Being sick stinks but I promise you'll be better soon."

I am thankful for this picture.

I'm thankful the kids are so excited about the baby.  Today Kylee asked me, "Mom, is your belly gonna get so big you'll probably just fall over? I bet you'll need crutches to walk." Being pregnant while your older children are old enough to "get it" is just so fun.  Kael wasn't quite two and a half when Kylee was born so going through this pregnancy has been totally different than my first two.  But a few things have stayed the same: I don't get sick, I (crossing my fingers now) have easy deliveries and overall I just like being pregnant.  A couple added perks (beside the obvious end result) are that people tend to be nice to you when you're pregnant, you get a free pass to eat more, and if you want to go to bed at 8:00 no one will judge you.

I'm thankful that when Kylee got up at 4:00 this morning, instead of going back to bed I just did my prenatal yoga DVD right then and there.  As an aside, that very same DVD sat on our entertainment center for weeks before it was touched but now I love it.

I'm thankful that soon we will know the sex of the baby!

Hmm. Didn't realize this post was going to be all about baby.  I promise I'm thankful for other things...

I'm thankful that Chrismtas is so close! Yesterday we made a little cookie/gift assembly line and whipped up tons of little presents for Christmas. Kael was so proud to deliver them to all of his teachers this afternoon.

I'm thankful that my Christmas shopping is done.  Almost.  I think.

I'm thankful for Kael seems excited to join the wrestling club.  If you can even believe it, I'm the one who brought home the info from school and showed it to Kent.  I'm anxious to see how this all transpires as Kent has high hopes for Kael with wrestling.  I mostly don't know anything about wrestling and don't enjoy watching it.  If Kael likes it, I will like it.  If Kael hates it, I will say "ha ha" to Kent, but judging by this picture, he likes it.

I'm thankful for people who give quick and appropriate responses.  After eating lunch with Kael the other day, then going out to recess with him for a few minutes, I was upset at the way some things were being handled. I e-mailed the school guidance counselor and Kael's teacher and they both had wonderful, helpful, insightful things to say.  In other words, they did not think I was out of line at all for speaking up for what I believed was best for Kael. In fact, they agreed with me then took appropriate steps to fix it.

I'm thankful the realtor open house went well today- lots of positive responses and "your house shows so well" comments.  I was afraid the rain might keep people away but we had a great turnout!

I'm thankful I had the good sense my friend Andrea convinced me (five years ago, mind you) to order 5 stockings for our family from Pottery Barn instead of just 4. Now, I just need to find somewhere that will match the embroidered names once we come up with a name for this next one.  Besides Luley.

'Til next week!

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