
I bet you didn't know...

***I wrote this post back in August and forgot to publish it.  Whoops! Thought I'd go ahead and post it anyways- the picture of Kylee on the monkey bars has me wishing it were summer again!

Kylee has turned our toyroom into the Cherry Pie Cafe where she is owner, waitress and cook. Her cherry apron was the inspiration. Cute!

Sometimes I let Kylee paint my nails. Pretty darn good for a four year old, huh?

Kylee can go across the monkey bars all by herself.

I NEVER stay up if Kent is going to bed. I won't even stay up and watch TV by myself, or read a book or anything.

My kids don't like sheets on their beds. Every night I would find their sheet crumpled up at the bottom of their beds and I every morning I would help them make their beds and pull the sheet back up to where it belonged. Then it dawned on me. Duh, Laura. If the kids don't like the sheets, just take them off! Problem solved.

I'm a repeat offender of the "I'll start on Monday" diet. Well, diet's not even really the right word. But I tend to eat far less healthy on the weekends, promising myself I'll do better. And I usually do. Until the following Friday evening.

One of my biggest pet peeves in the whole world is getting water in my ear. I can NEVER get it to come out and spend the rest of the day walking around all off balance and stuff.

Kent and I took the TV out of our room awhile ago and we don't miss it at all.

***I think the reason I never posted it was because I intended to write more, but that's all I got for today.  No get outside and enjoy this weather! It might be the last nice day we get for awhile!

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