
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for the guy last week at Incredible Pizza Company who was running the go-karts.  Kael was a couple inches too short to ride alone, but the guy told me if Kael could reach the pedals, he would let him go.  Kael could reach! He was soooo excited to be able to drive all by himself!

I'm thankful for Kylee's enthusiasm.  Last week when she kept coming out of her room during quiet time, I told her there was nothing exciting to be getting up for because all I was doing was scrubbing the toilets.   "Can I try?" she asked.  I figured it was just a ploy to get out of resting, but this week when I was cleaning the bathrooms she raced in and said, "Wait! Don't scrub the toilets without me!!!"

I'm thankful we finally....got a new vehicle! Now, minivan moms, don't get me wrong.  I loved my minivan for the purpose it served.  It's functionality was second to none.  It's just that it was time for us to get something different.  Kent and I went on Tuesday night to "look" at an Acadia he had seen online.  I knew from the second we walked into the dealership that we'd be walking out with it.  We happened to get a fantastic deal on it and I am really excited about it!
I'm doubly thankful that my parents were able to help out and watch the kids while Kent and I went car shopping.  We didn't tell them about it and they were sooo excited the next night when I told them we needed to go run a quick errand and came home with the Acadia! I love surprises.

I'm thankful for a fun evening spent with my in-laws to celebrate Keith's birthday.  An evening out with the Pattersons almost always ends with ice cream and for that, I'm really thankful.  Kylee is too. :)

I'm thankful the kids had a fun Halloween. I'm also thankful they don't mind if I eat all the Snickers out of their candy baskets.

This picture cracks me up because Kylee is so cute and happy and proud of her pumpkin, and in the background Kael is sneaking into the snack cupboard.  Ha!

I'm thankful Halloween has come and gone because Kent all but refuses to talk about Christmas with me until after Halloween.  Now that Halloween is over, you better believe Christmas music has been flooding our house, our car, etc. I hold off on the decorations until after Thanksgiving, but the Christmas shopping is in full swing too. Starbucks update: 53 days and counting until Christmas!

I'm thankful the morning got off to a good start. I told the kids last night that I'd wake them up in time to get donuts before school.  (Speaking of, I'm quite thankful for Wednesday late start days.) One of them was up in more than enough time, and one I had to wake up.  Ten points if you can guess which one. ;) I'm not sure there's anything better than an early morning trip (it was still dark out) to Casey's for donuts in your jammies with your favorite stuffed animal.

Happy Thursday!


mama walker said...

we have those jammies that kael has on.

Unknown said...

I feel a fondness toward the now-gone minivan, too, after it rescued us from Sbux (odd that we'd ever need to be rescued from there...seems we'd be more than content to stay put!)