

I have a bit of a list problem. I make lists for EVERYTHING. Groceries, menus, things to do, things for Kent to do....I could make a giant list of all the lists I have. Sometimes I put things on my to do list that I have already done just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing things off. It's a sickness, I know.

This week I knocked a couple of big things off my list and it felt great! Remember when I was writing about The Happiness Project? One of her happiness mantras is "Tackle A Nagging Task", and in this case, mine was renewing our passports.

Last year on our anniversary Kent and I had wanted to take a trip and weren't sure where we wanted to go. We quickly ruled out anything out of the country because we couldn't find Kent's passport. Ugh. We also found out that mine was going to expire soon so I put "renewing passports" on my list of things to do, and we happily decided to stay stateside and go to The Keys.

Well friends, I'm happy to report that our applications are in the mail and we should be receiving our new passports shortly! Woo hoo!

"So, where are we going to go?" Kent asked. "Wanna climb Mount Everest or something?"

"Heck no!" I replied. "But doesn't it feel nice that we can go anywhere now?!"

We also updated our wills, another biggie that's been on my to do list for waaaaay too long.

So how about you? What to do list item have you tackled lately?

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