
Right now

The kids just finished playing in the backyard with friends: water balloons, slip and slide, water guns and icees. Now they're having some downtime watching TV.

I'm going to sit down and enjoy this:

Does it get much better than a glass of ice tea and a good book in the summer? I think not.

By the way, have you read this book? I realize I've written so much about The Happiness Project that perhaps you think it's the only book I've read. :) I really love to read, espcecially books that I can learn something from (and more importantly apply it to my life): a new parenting technique, some new recipes, some new tips for working with Kael, things like that.

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk is brilliant. So many fantastic no-brainer parenting tips. I kind of can't believe that I haven't read this book before (I think it was first published in 1980). If nothing else, it inspired me to mix things up a little in dealing with the kids.

What good book have you read lately?

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