
Sunday Night Dates

***I actually wrote this a couple weeks ago and just didn't hit the post button.

For about the last year and a half or so, Kent and I have a standing date every Sunday night. And I look forward to it all week long. Usually we tuck the kids in early and have a late dinner- just us two. It is almost always Mexican-type food. Quesadillas, nachos, fajitas...yum. During football season it kind of morphed into Date Night/Sunday Night Football. Currently it's Date Night/Iowa wrestles Minnesota. And yes, I looked forward to Date Night this week even though I knew we'd be watching wrestling. When you're a parent it's sometimes tough to find time for just the two of you and although things come up- I can't think of a time in the last year and a half that we haven't spent Sunday night together- just us two. I'm already looking forward to next week. :)

My best friend just e-mailed me some pictures of when we studied in Spain together during college. She and I became friends in middle school which says a lot about us. If you're still best friends with someone you met in middle school, chances are that one of you is a saint. In this case, it's her. It's absolutely her. I'd love to post some pictures of us in Spain, or France, or England, or Portugal, or Italy....but in the interest of saving face I'm going to refrain. People who I haven't seen for awhile are always saying things like, "Wow you look good!" and I assumed they meant, "Wow you look good for having two kids". But now, looking back on college pics, I realize I must have gained much more than the standard Freshman Fifteen. Thanks Andrea for sticking with me all these years! Skinny, chubby, Spain, Mexico, single, married and in between....you have been there for it all!

Ok, fine....I'll post just one....

Here we are sitting on the streets of Granada. How very European of me to be sitting there in my long sleeved t-shirt and tennis shoes. Oh brother Laura......

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