

We spent yesterday afternoon organizing the kids's rooms. Basically we moved some furniture around, put some old toys away and brought out some new ones. At Christmastime Kael and Kylee are blessed with so many toys, books, and games that I always stash some away and the kids inevitably forget about them. Tell me you do this too? It never fails that about this time of year the newness (is that a real word?) factor of their Christmas toys has worn off and it's too cold to spend much time outside. So, I pull out some "new" toys and they have a blast! Today I got out a new doll and doll clothes for Kylee and a Neft dart gun game for Kael. Fun!

Here's Kylee's room:

Kael was really excited about his "new" room, which surprised me. By definition of his diagnosis he can have a very hard time with change. I wasn't sure how he would take it that everything in his room was moved around. We let him make some of the decisions about where we would put things and I think he felt like a pretty big deal. After he woke up this morning he said, "Actually I just want to go back and relax in my new bed in my new room". As far as I'm concerned, that's the perfect way to spend the day off of school.

Plenty of room and equipment for rocking out:

Cozy, right?

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