
Thankful Thursday

This sunshine is awfully deceiving. As I look out the window on a beautiful, bright day I feel like my mood should match. It doesn't. Here's how my day started. (Actually let's rewind to last night....)

Kael was all tucked in bed, just like normal, around 8:15 last night. By 9:30 he was awake. He was kind of crying so we thought he'd had a bad dream. We talked to him for a little bit, tucked him back in. Over the next hour he woke up three more times. We checked his temperature, asked him if he felt ok, and overall he seemed fine. I decided just to lay with him until he fell sound asleep. It wasn't until 2:00 that he actually did fall asleep.

I had full intentions of letting him sleep in this morning and taking him to school an hour or two late to make up for the lost sleep last night. But he woke up at 7:00 like he usually does so off to school he went on only about 5 good hours of sleep. Poor guy!

For those of you who aren't familiar, not sleeping well is highly characteristic of ASD kids like Kael. I might write more about this, or maybe not. It's just not something I talk a lot about as Kael is so very "borderline". Most people who know Kael, but don't know that he has an autism diagnosis are literally shocked to find out. His official diagnosis that we received in Iowa City in June of 2009 is Pervasive Development Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). Anyone who has questions or comments on this, please feel free to e-mail me as I would love to elaborate/clarify/discuss, etc.

Moving forward....I get up this mornig and the first thing Kent says to me is, "It looks like our water heater had a little bit of a fire this morning". In a sleepy daze, I mumble something really intelligent like, "Ok honey" and went about my morning routine of packing lunches, getting kids dressed, etc. It's only later when I go downstairs and smell the gas and see a bit of black smoke around the water heater that I understand the severity of the situation. I turn it off completely, call Kent and he assures me that he has already secured someone to come look at it later today. The guys we use for our plumbling/electric have been getting some pretty good business from us lately!

So next up is school and preschool drop-offs. (Someday I'm going to post my daily routine so you can all see how I am basically a taxi service!) We have such a fantastic routine- all the kids know which door they are to get in, which seat is "theirs" and how to buckle themselves in. Our routine is nearly flawless, thanks to the double sliding doors on my mini-van. (I'm a tiny bit embarassed at how much I love my mini-van. I don't think I would love it as much if I didn't babysit, but nonetheless, I do appreciate its functionality.) However, today the door on Kylee's side was stuck in the locked position. The automatic lock wouldn't unlock it, nor could I manually unlock it. GRR! It sounds so silly but it takes seemingly forrrrevvvverrrr (yes, I'm quoting The Sandlot here) to load four kids with only one working door!

Why is it that all these crazy things happen when I'm going on so little sleep?!

Here's the good news (and the reason for the title of this post):

Kylee is at her Valentine's Party at preschool right now so she will come home with a bag full of candy which will put her in a wonderful mood. That girl has such a sweet tooth.

There are rumors of 50 degree temperatures in the 7 day forcast. I might have to dig out the capris.

Thursdays happen to be my favorite day of the week. I love Thursdays. It's like the weekend is almost within reach. Kael wakes up on Thursday mornings and says, "After today, only one more day of work (school) before the weekend!"

I am so so very thankful that no one was hurt in the water heater situation this morning. And I'm particularly thankful for a husband who takes care of these types of things while my pre-coffee brain is still trying to even figure out what he's talking about.

Now that I've written all this, the sun is still shining and it is, after all, my beloved Thursday so my mood is beginning to change. Or maybe the coffee has finally kicked in. :)

What are you thankful for today?

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